The Home Child Care Provider Pilot and the Home Support Worker Pilot are 5-year pilot programs that let qualified caregivers and their family members come to Canada with the goal of becoming permanent residents.
If you’ve been offered a job in Canada as a caregiver or have experience working in Canada as a caregiver, you may be able to apply for permanent residence through one of these pilots.
The application process will be different depending on your situation and how much qualifying work experience you have.
Qualifying work experience
Qualifying work experience means you’ve worked full-time in Canada in 1 of these ( NOC) jobs:
Home child care provider (NOC 4411)
- You must care for children under the age of 18 in your own home or in your employer’s home
- You don’t need to live in your employer’s home to qualify
- Experience as a foster parent doesn’t count
Home support worker (NOC 4412)
- You must care for someone who needs help from a home support worker either in your own home or in your employer’s home
- You don’t need to live in your employer’s home to qualify
- Only home support workers are eligible under NOC 4412
- Experience as a housekeeper doesn’t count
Different work experience will have different application steps and preparation.
- You don’t have any qualifying work experience
- You have some qualifying work experience, but less than 24 months
- You have 24 or more months of qualifying work experience