In order to gain the work experience needed to qualify for permanent residence, you will be issued an Occupationally Restricted Open Work Permit. This work permit allows you to work in Canada on a temporary basis.

An occupation-restricted open work permit allows the applicant to work for any employer, but only in the occupation specified on the work permit.

This occupation-restricted open work permit should be issued for 3 years starting from the date the work permit is issued

Applicants under the new pilots are divided into 2 categories, depending on whether or not they meet the eligibility requirement for Canadian work experience:


Category A

Applicants (outside or inside Canada) who have from 0 to 23 months of eligible Canadian work experience.

Applicants under Category A must apply for an initial occupation-restricted open work permit at the same time as their application for permanent residence (APR). If all permanent residence requirements are met except for the work experience, an occupation-restricted open work permit is issued under NOC 4411 or NOC 4412 to allow caregivers to come to Canada as temporary residents and acquire the 24 months of work experience within 3 years. The 3-year period starts on the day the work permit is issued.


Category B

Applicants who have already completed the 24 months of eligible Canadian work experience under NOC 4411 or NOC 4412 (combined work experience under the 2 NOCs is not counted) upon applying for permanent residence under 1 of the 2 pilots.

Applicants under category B are not required to apply for an occupation-restricted open work permit. Instead, they are eligible to apply for a bridging open work permit (BOWP) at any time (with or after their APR submission). However, their work permit application is not processed until an eligibility decision is made on their APR.